
From biblical codes, ancient artifacts, and scientific interpretations, to the locations of missing cities, Hidden Parable Theory has everything for the inquisitive reader.

In this book, you will discover new biblical codes derived from scientific concepts, such as the golden ratio, to formulate a new kind of numerology specific to Christianity. You will also discover how ancient Christian artifacts have incorporated biblical codes into their designs. Additionally, you will learn how these biblical codes or hidden parables have used universal numbers in the Bible to explain important theological concepts.

In Matthew Diefenbach’s Hidden Parable Theory: The Biblical Codes Found in Nature and the Universe, we explore new theological discoveries based on scientific concepts and examine models of the universe that support these hidden parables. Even more excitingly, you will use these hidden parables to make accurate interpretations of the Bible.


Matthew Diefenbach
Matthew Diefenbach

Art, history, science, and religion has always fascinated Matthew since a young age. In college, Matthew spent much of his time studying these subjects earning two degrees in physics and chemistry. After that, he went on to grad school specializing in laser physics and computer science.  A couple of years later Matthew started writing and formulated Hidden Parable Theory which describes a divine code that is virtually found in everything. So far, he has written two books and received a number of awards and recognitions one being an honorable mention at the Los Angeles Book Festival. When Matthew is not writing he is either making short podcasts for his social media, playing video games or going to rugby practice.    



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Hidden Parable Theory Hits #1 During Free Book Promo on Amazon So far, I

So far, I have done three book promos on Amazon and each time it has gone number one. Hopefully, this will keep up.

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Ancient Codes Video Exceeds 12,000 views on Instagram!    It has been

It has been roughly a month since I started advertising on Instagram. So far, this ad has received over 12,000 views and 1,100 likes.

Click this link to see -->https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCTE4wPsteT/

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